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Built with Indexhibit

Title : Aquarium:re_Interaction
Form : Interactive Visual Installation
Date : 2008
[Aquarium:re_Interaction_1, 2008]

Color tracking of the objet which moves in real time and sound control equipment.

[Aquarium:re_Interaction_2, 2008]

[Aquarium:re_Interaction_3, 2008]

Our lives already have a close relationship with ‘interaction’ and ‘interactive’. During the course of life, each and every choice and their consequences create the life in the way desired or way not desired, and they affect the environment in tiny amounts. It is a work that expressed the space that brings about different results each time. The objet which moves in real time is color tracked to create real time music. In addition, the user gets to experience the environment in which feedback can be provided using the ROV (Remotely-Operated Vehicle) that moves by user control. Further, through the viewpoint of the user-controlled objet (ROV), results of feedback can be observed in the first person observer view. There is the tropical fish tank that is performed in real time through objet color tracking. The user, through real time control of the ROV, gives feedback to the tropical fish and creates music. In addition, the viewpoint from the ROV can be enjoyed via a wireless camera and projector. It is the main exhibit which includes the water tank and its support, life forms within the tank, ROV, and machinery and materials for the installation. The control device for the wireless submarine and final video output. *If there is no participation by spectators, the sound being created is an unfinished work. Only by participation the view of the world is complete.